Rechargeable outdoor table lamp,convenience and design
This week's featured product is our TRA.
In Italian slang,Tra can be translated as "take it easy", at that's exactly what this product is about,taking it easy.
All you need to worry is charging it;once it's charged you are ready to go and you can take it with you wherever you want!
You can put it on your balcony,to keep you company while you enjoy the cool breeze of the night,and then bring it back in and place it on the side of your bed,so to keep the night fears away.
Or if you are having a party outdoor and you don't want the atmosphere to be too dark nor to bright,then bring her out and set the perfect mood.
It's available in 3 colors:
Yellow,White and Grey.
LED 2.2W.
Recharge time: Approx. 6hrs
Working time: Approx 9hrs